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Celebrating Women’s Day!共庆女神节!

时间:2021-03-09 14:45:33 点击:6783次

3月8日下午,丝路青年论坛国际事务部迎来了来自北京英联邦协会的优秀女性与我们共同庆祝国际三八妇女节。本次活动由国际事务部负责人德莉亚·杜克里女士(Ms. Dahlia Ducreay)组织和主持,丝路青年论坛副主席兼秘书长杨东平出席并致辞。






活动最后,英联邦北京协会主席、尼日利亚联邦共和国大使夫人Mdm. Zara Jidda 给丝路青年论坛副主席兼秘书长杨东平先生颁发荣誉证书,这标志着英联邦北京协会与丝路青年论坛长期友谊的良好开端。





The Silk Road Youth Forum was very honored to host the distinguished ladies from the Commonwealth 


Society of Beijing on March 8th 2021 at their newly opened international affairs  offices. Ms. Dahlia Ducreay, the youth envoy of the Silk Road Youth Forum, who is in charge of the international affairs department , organized and presided over the event. Mr. Yang Dong Ping, the Vice President and Secretary General of the Silk Road Youth Forum, attended and delivered the opening speech.


Under the theme women in leadership, these distinguished ladies along with the Silk Road Youth Forum, spent an afternoon not only learning about leading women in China and the true purpose of the Belt and Road initiative but also understanding the meaning of leadership in different cultures.


Discussing this topic allowed the ladies in attendance to share their personal experiences and offer advise to each other. As each woman continues to lead in their every day lives, we are reminded of the need of sisterhood. Each generation present appreciated the warm environment of women empowering other women that the Silk Road Youth Forum provided. Life experiences were shared with the younger generation, as well as stories highlighting the need for constant growth through communication and the strength of an every day woman over laughter and smiles.


A short documentary of the Mosuo tribe was also screened, where an in-depth look was taken at one of China’s matriarchy society. A society where women are the head of the households. This provided a different perspective to the ladies present about China. They appreciated the new knowledge offered by the silk road youth forum , as they continued their journey of falling in love with China.


At the Silk Road Youth Forum, we recognize that through positive cooperation and mutual understanding, equality can be achieved. Therefore, we look forward to fostering endless partnerships with different peoples in order to create a more sustainable future for the children of today and tomorrow.


At the end of the event , Mr. Yang Dong Ping was presented with a certificate of appreciation by the president of Commonwealth Society of Beijing, Mdm. Zara Jidda spouse of the Nigerian Ambassador to China. This certificate marks the beginning of a long lasting friendship between the Silk Road Youth Forum and the Commonwealth Society of Beijing.


Every home, every heart, every feeling, every moment of happiness is incomplete without people to people connection. Only by working together can we complete this world.

We look forward to hosting more positive exchanges, for only together can we move forward.

To all women world wide, happy international women’s day!




供稿:爱   莎 

中文翻译:罗   靖

监制:杨东平   徐志强   蒋   涛



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