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时间:2021-11-02 17:53:00 点击:1401次

“ Batie,” friendship forged out of steel.



Hamad Abdul Zahir (Pakistan)

我的中文名字叫豪孟德,作为来自吉尔吉特·巴尔蒂斯坦的巴基斯坦人, 该地区拥有世界上最令人叹为观止的风景,从世界上最高的山峰、世界上最多的冰川到世界上最壮丽的湖泊。除了美丽,该地区还具有重要的战略意义。吉尔吉特·巴尔蒂斯坦在巴基斯坦和中国接壤的地区,是中巴经济走廊的重要部分。我们一直在共享边界,听我们祖父母那一代人的介绍,他们见证了这一伟大友谊的开始。巴基斯坦和中国自1951年5月21日建交以来一直保持着密切和友好的关系,不断发展,不断深入。在过去的11年里,我有幸目睹了中国的飞速发展。今天,作为一名在温州泛健康医疗中心(温州和平国际医院)工作的医生,我很荣幸能与中国最好的医生一起学习和工作。“巴铁”,我总是为这个词感到骄傲,这两个字完美地总结了中巴两国70多年的友谊。“巴铁”,坚不可摧;“巴铁”,万古长青。

My Chinese name is Háo mèng dé. As a Pakistani from Gilgit-Baltistan, this region holds some of the most breathtaking views in the world, from the highest peaks and the greatest number of glaciers in the world to the most magnificent lakes. Apart from the beauty, the region holds significant strategic importance. Gilgit-Baltistan is an important part of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor in the region bordering Pakistan and China. We have been sharing a border, listening to stories of our grandparents who were witnesses to the beginning of this great friendship. Pakistan and China have enjoyed close and friendly relations since the establishment of diplomatic relations on May 21, 1951. Over the past 11 years, I've had the privilege of witnessing China's outstanding fast-paced progress. Today, as a doctor, I work at Pan Health Medical Center in Wenzhou (Wenzhou Heping International Hospital). I'm honored to be learning and working with the best doctors in China. These two words perfectly summarize the friendship between China and Pakistan for more than 70 years. “Batie,” a friendship forged in steel, the eternal “Batie.”


Since the reform and opening up in the late 70s, China has redesigned and readapted its education system. It constantly affirms that education plays a crucial role in poverty alleviation, socio-economic development, and maintaining personal growth. In 1949, the illiteracy rate in China was more than 80%. 2020, more than 70 years later, the illiteracy rate was as low as 2.67%.This demonstrates China's commitment to providing access to basic education for all and good conditions for everyone’s growth. In the next few decades, with the in-depth development of rural revitalization strategies and a continued effort to provide basic education to all, we expect the illiteracy rate to be an outdated notion in China.


Although there are still many challenges and barriers with the education system in China and Pakistan, China has a more methodical approach to dealing with any problems. Like all policies in China and Pakistan, there is an end goal. Obtaining basic education and reducing the illiteracy rate are directly linked to the country's economic stability and growth and the harmonious progress of society. The impact of such policies is tremendous. We can see the number of students receiving a higher education continue to rise. Another example of successful intergenerational collaboration, young people’s innovative methods to better the end results of the older generation and at the same time increase output. We see these methods in areas like rural revitalization and digitalization of the country. The internet has contributed to economic development and market circulation.



In my opinion, China's belt and road initiative is not only a powerful economic and infrastructure development project but also a way of improving bilateral relations in terms of culture, education, and tourism between the two countries. In his speech, President Xi repeatedly reminds us that the youth are the future and each generation has its own responsibility. We, the youth, can make greater contributions to the belt and road initiative. This is evident in many areas, such as youth entrepreneurship, youth leadership, and the youth role in transport, energy, mining, IT, the communications sector, and so forth.

Young people are also playing a vital role in humanitarian cooperation in the fight against COVID-19. With the help of the web and various social media platforms, we can raise awareness, create fundraising campaigns, organize donations, and join hands with other youth around the globe to fight this virus together. Thus, the promotion of youth unity and people-to-people exchanges have been an important task in the past two years, which has shown important results.


As a Pakistani youth, I look forward to continuing to strengthen the relationship and forging ahead together in this new era of digitalization and globalization.


英文审校:Dahlia A. Ducreay


供稿:Hamad Abdul Zahir 


监制:杨东平   徐志强   蒋   涛



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