"One belt, one road" initiative encourages youth development in China and Egypt
Dr. Mona El Shehawi, Ph.D. (Egypt)
My name is Mona, and I am from Egypt. I first came to China in 2000 under a one-year language studies scholarship provided by the Egyptian government and the Chinese government at the Beijing Language and Cultural Studies University. In 2004 on my second trip to China, I represented Egypt in the "Chinese Bridge, Chinese language Speech Competition." Later in 2012, I graduated with my Ph.D. in Chinese language at the Beijing Language and Cultural Studies University. Since then, over ten years have passed; now, I am living and working in China successfully with a family of my own and a successful business.
China has now become my second home. Although China is not perfect all the time, I have successfully made my mark in China and contributed to my country's development with hard work and dedication. Currently, I am the Chairman of Moon international travel group, a travel consulting company. It also serves as a cultural exchange company between China and Egypt, showcasing the incredible culture of Egypt through cultural exchanges in China and Egypt. I am also a Chinese language professor attached to the Helwan University in Egypt. I believe China continues to be filled with many opportunities for young people to thrive.
作为一名目前居住在中国的埃及青年人,我非常荣幸地见证了这个国家在过去十年中的发展, 特别是我的国家和中国之间不断发展的关系。中华人民共和国和埃及关系于1956年5月30日建立外交关系。今年是两国建交65周年。在过去的65年里,我们在政治、经济、文化、双边等多个领域取得了许多里程碑式的成就。
As a young Egyptian currently residing in China, I've had the immense honor to witness the growth of this country over the past decade,in particular, the growing relationship between my country and China. The People's Republic of China and Egypt relations were established on May 30, 1956. This year marks 65 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Over the past six and half decades, many milestones have been accomplished in several areas: Political, Economic, Cultural, Bilateral.
On May 27, 2021, Liao Liqiang, Chinese ambassador to Egypt, said in an interview with Egypt today, a famous news agency in Cairo:"Over the years, China has become Egypt's largest trade partner, trade exchange in the first quarter of 2021 rose by 31 percent to reach 4.18 billion. In 2020, the direct investments between Egypt and China reached $190 million, noting that total Chinese investments in Egypt reached $1.2 billion. During the first quarter of 2021, direct investments between the two countries were almost doubled to reach $83 million."
China's impressive progress has brought hope for development to many youths in Egypt. The “Belt and Road Initiative" is highly in line with the development strategies of Egypt, such as the development of the Suez Canal Corridor. This project created many opportunities for young Egyptians to work alongside Chinese experts. Chinese experts were able to be exposed to the diversity of Egyptian work culture and ethics. In addition, the two sides are continuing to explore other projects in new energy, railways, infrastructure, and other areas of construction that link with China's advanced production capacity. The development strategy of opening up to the outside world has many similar points and points of agreement, stimulating the great potential of practical cooperation between the two countries in various fields while motivating young Egyptians to make a valuable contribution to Egypt.
With the continued expansion of bilateral partnerships between Egypt and China, Egyptian youth and Chinese youth continue to have the unique opportunity to enjoy mutually beneficial relationships. I look forward to seeing the belt and road initiative continue to promote active youth involvement. By reshaping the definition of Sino-Egyptian partnerships, youth from both sides can participate in numerous activities in both countries to further their professional development and understanding of the broader world.
英文审校:Dahlia A. Ducreay
供稿:Dr. Mona El Shehawi
监制:杨东平 徐志强 蒋 涛